Cosmetic Surgery CaliforniaCosmetic Surgery Reshapes Normal Structures Of The Body For A …

Unlike reconstructive surgery, cosmetic procedures are elective.

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, removes excess skin around the eyes to reduce puffiness and bags and restore peripheral vision. It can make patients appear more alert and younger, as well as improve their self-esteem.

Eyelid Surgery Los Angeles

As we age, the muscles and tissues around our eyes lose their elasticity. This can result in excess skin around the upper eyelids and eye bags that make us look older and tired. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can remove excess skin and fat, restoring your youthful appearance and improving your vision. Yoo has refined his technique to produce elegant results, taking years off of the face and enhancing the beauty of your eyes. He works closely with his patients during their consultations, making sure to understand exactly what they want and can achieve from cosmetic surgery before moving forward.

While the procedure is relatively painless, it is important to arrange for two weeks off work so that you can recover and allow the bruising and swelling to subside. This allows our patients to return to their routines with confidence and without compromising their appearance while they are healing. The results from our eyelid lift are subtle enough that friends and family will notice your renewed beauty without recognizing what you’ve had done.

Breast Augmentation Los Angeles

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for women. It can enhance the appearance of a small bust, fill out deflated breasts after pregnancy or weight loss, correct asymmetries and improve self-image. This treatment can also be used to help rebuild a woman’s body after mastectomy due to breast cancer.

Pasadena breast surgeon Dr. Andre Panossian offers a wide range of breast enhancement options to meet your needs. This includes both implants (saline or silicone) in many shapes and sizes, as well as fat transfer for those patients who prefer a natural look.

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. It can take 1 to 2 hours to perform. The surgeon will make an incision under the nipple, in the armpit, or directly under the breast, depending on your individual preferences and best results. The doctor will then insert the implant or fat graft and close the incisions.

Tummy Tuck Los Angeles

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) removes excess skin, tightens abdominal muscles, and restores a firm, flat blepharoplasty surgeon beverly hills This procedure can also be included in a comprehensive Mommy Makeover, along with breast implants, liposuction, and facial sculpting. Zarrabi examines each patient thoroughly to ensure they are healthy enough for surgery and can heal properly.

He has an extensive knowledge of body sculpting techniques and is dedicated to creating results that complement the patient’s overall body shape.Many patients 90013 come to him with loose, sagging skin after pregnancy or massive weight loss. Others struggle with stubborn fat deposits that won’t respond to diet or exercise.

He provides a range of options, including a mini tummy tuck that requires less scarring, to a full tummy tuck that can remove more skin and fat. If necessary, he can also include an umbilicoplasty procedure to correct the belly button shape. He can also perform this surgery in combination with liposuction for more dramatic results.

Breast Lift Los Angeles

A breast lift is a thorough complex surgical procedure that can effectively correct sagging and asymmetrical breasts. Also known as a mastopexy, it can be performed as part of a breast reduction or augmentation, or as a standalone surgery.

Droopy breasts can impact a woman’s self-esteem and cause back and neck pain. Often, diet and exercise, as well as creams and pills, are not enough to tighten the nipple area.For women who are experiencing this issue, a breast lift in Los Angeles 500 Molino St STE 107 can help restore their youthful appearance.

When choosing a cosmetic surgeon, it is important to find a reputable practice with board certification and hospital privileges.It is also a good idea to choose a plastic surgeon who specializes United States of America in the type of procedure you are considering. This will ensure you are getting the best results

Cosmetic Surgery CaliforniaCosmetic Surgery Reshapes Normal Structures Of The Body For A ...